Duncan Seawall Dock & Boat Lift LLC

What are Your Custom Dock Lighting Solutions in Sarasota, Florida

Written by Duncan Seawall | Mar 22, 2017 1:47:00 PM

Whether you have a dock for your personal use or for others to enjoy in a marina, you need dock lighting to keep the area safe. You might need to take to the water early in the morning or maybe you have to come in after dark, either way there are many lighting options available. Below are a few options that might work for your dock.

Related Blog: How Underwater Lighting Can Make Fishing off Your Dock More Fun

Solar Dock Lights

Solar lights work really well on most docks. They’re powered up using light from the sun during the day, and begin to glow when it gets dark. You don't have to worry about turning them on and off. They'll be ready when it's dark and you need to see the dock.

Underwater Snook Lights

Docks look amazing when you light them from beneath. Choose a classic dock lighting system that illuminates the dock from under the water around it. You can see the dock to bring your boat in, or enjoy the ambient lighting while relaxing on your dock in the evenings.

Mounted Fixtures

If your dock has posts, mounted light fixtures are a great option. These fixtures will not only illuminate the dock itself, but they will also show you where the posts are along the dock for easy maneuvering after dark.

Every dock is different and you will need the right lighting system to fit your dock and your needs. There are enough options to make it overwhelming very quickly, unless you know exactly what you want and need. When you have questions or you need advice on custom dock lighting, consult with our professionals here at Duncan Seawall Dock & Boat Lift. Contact us and get started on your custom dock lighting project today.